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Content Brief Example



Word count: 3,400-3,600


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We are creating a page that focuses exclusively on the summer college courses students can take online. This page will answer questions that college-bound students and transfer students (and those who advise them—parents, guidance counselors, etc.) have about online summer classes. Please compile the most useful information with easy, actionable how-to’s for quick reference. This page should answer the following:

  • What are the different benefits of taking summer courses?

  • Who should consider taking summer courses? 

  • Why are summer courses important components of a college education? 

  • How do online summer courses work, and why/what do students need to enroll? 

Important points to note:

  • The page should focus on online offerings exclusively.

  • Need to point out what makes summer courses unique from traditional semester classes

Single space at the start of new sentences. Please include sources hyperlinked in-text when applicable, or in a sidebar comment so we can easily fact check. Alphabetize lists. DO NOT COPY AND PASTE, either from other’s published works or your own. All content must be 100% original. 


Content should complement, not overlap, what is on this example page:


Meta Description

Please craft a meta description that we may use with this page. Metas should be under 160 characters. Be concise and use an active voice. Use keywords in the first sentence and include a subtle call-to-action. Be conversational. Here is an example:

Online MBA programs give working professionals a chance to earn an advanced degree in a flexible setting.  Search hundreds of programs and find the right fit.   


Third-person. Second person may be used occasionally if it works better. Academic but approachable; conversational but not casual. AP Style.

Please email final Word doc to with “DZ” at the end of the subject line. 



PAGE OUTLINE - please fill in per instructions

Write a meta description (150-160 characters) here: 

Example: Online art programs give students a flexible way to earn a degree and advance their careers. Learn about programs and see if this option makes sense for you.


H1: The Best Reasons to Take Summer College Courses Online

H2: Why Spending Your Summer in the Classroom Might be Worth It


Write an introduction, between 80 and 100 words, answering any student-specific who, what, when, where and why questions that would spark the interest of someone looking for encouragement on taking college courses online over the summer. Use a catchy stat, fact or feature about the subject to draw the reader’s attention. The first sentence should naturally include the keyword(s), and last sentence should include a call to action, teasing how the rest of the page is relevant.

The Benefits of Taking Online Classes in the Summer 

Write an introduction, between 50 and 75 words, addressing the lifestyle a student taking summer classes online might have (ie you don’t have to give up your summer to take a class). Mention how and why this is important to the reader.

Continue by developing a list of 10 to 12 benefits to taking summer classes online. Focus on standard benefits (getting ahead on the next semester, saving money, shorter classes, graduating on time) and also some more creative benefits you come across in your research (benefits for international students, technology benefits of replaying lectures, etc.). An example and some additional references to get you started: 

Knock Out Tough Classes with Less Time and Fewer Distractions

Summer classes teach the same concepts as traditional semester classes, but the lessons are condensed to fit within a four- to six-week term. When it comes to the most difficult classes, this can be beneficial in two ways. Studies show students were more successful in a notoriously challenging organic chemistry summer course because students were more motivated with the more intensive, shorter-term curriculum. Saving a tough class until summer can also mean less distractions, allowing students to focus on one topic instead of a full course load all at once.  


3-4 sentence description with in-text, hyperlinked examples


3-4 sentence description with in-text, hyperlinked examples


How are Online Summer Classes Different? 

Write an introduction, between 50 and 75 words, addressing that there may be both pros and cons to taking summer classes online. Mention how and why this is important to the reader. 

Continue by developing a side-by-side comparison of online summer courses and traditional online courses in the table below. Please compare between 6 and 10 main differences, including in-text hyperlinks for examples and citations as applicable. Be sure example statements adequately explain how online summer classes are different at first glance. An example is included with some resources to get you started: 

Traditional Online College Course: Length of Class

  • Fall Semester: 15 Weeks, September to December

  • Spring Semester: 15 Weeks, January to April




  • Four Quarters: September to December, January to March, April to June, July to September

Online Summer College Course: Length of Class

  • Summer Semester(s): Four-, six- and 10-week terms

  • Schools generally offer multiple summer class sessions from May to August.

Traditional Online College Course: Difference 2


Online Summer College Course: Difference 2



Traditional Online College Course: Difference 3

Online Summer College Course: Difference 3


Online Summer Classes and Transfer Credits 

Write an introduction, between 50 and 75 words, addressing the fact that students aren’t restricted to taking online summer courses at the same college they take regular semester classes at. Briefly introduce the transfer credit option. How and why this is important to the reader?

Continue by detailing 4 to 6 scenarios in which a student would want to consider enrolling in an online class away from their “home school”. Some resources to get you started: 


2 to 3 sentence description with hyperlinked examples in-text


2 to 3 sentence description with hyperlinked examples in-text


2 to 3 sentence description with hyperlinked examples in-text


The Best Classes to Save for Summer Semester 

Write an introduction, between 50 and 75 words, addressing whether there is “best” or “worst” list of classes to take over the summer vs. during a standard semester, and how the answers are likely different for different students. How and why this is important to the reader?

Continue by creating a breakdown of 6 or more different schools of thought students might take when approaching the decision on what classes are “best” to save for summer semester. Some examples are started below. Please write a two-sentence description and provide between three and five example class titles (ie Organic Chemistry, Intro to Photography) that could potentially fall onto each list. Finish each section with an applicable snippet quote from a student you find around the web (ie “I got all my pre-reqs finished the summer before my freshman year, so I could focus on my core classes right away.” – Reddit User). Use the following resources to get you started, but please add to the list accordingly: 


The Best Classes to Save for Summer if You Want to…

Get the "easy stuff" out of the way.

2 sentence description

  • Example Class 1

  • Example Class 2

  • Example Class 3

“Quote from student.” – Reddit User/Blogger/Twitter Feed

Take classes that are too popular to get into during the regular semester.

2 sentence description

  • Example Class 1

  • Example Class 2

  • Example Class 3

“Quote from student.” – Reddit User/Blogger/Twitter Feed

Use the time to explore something new or fun.

2 sentence description

  • Example Class 1

  • Example Class 2

  • Example Class 3

“Quote from student.” – Reddit User/Blogger/Twitter Feed

School of Thought.

2 sentence description

  • Example Class 1

  • Example Class 2

  • Example Class 3

“Quote from student.” – Reddit User/Blogger/Twitter Feed

School of Thought.

2 sentence description

  • Example Class 1

  • Example Class 2

  • Example Class 3

“Quote from student.” – Reddit User/Blogger/Twitter Feed


Paying for Online Summer Classes

Write an introduction, between 50 and 75 words, addressing the considerations students need to prepare for in terms of financing summer classes. Mention how and why this is important to the reader.

Continue by choosing 5 to 8 of the most important topics regarding financial aid, fees and general funding / payments you come across in your research. Include a short description of the topic, and create a bulleted list of the main points associated (example: for Summer Pell Grants, the most important points to note would be that 1) it applies only if you have not used your full award from the previous year and 2) you are automatically considered if you are eligible).


Funding-Related Topic


1-2 sentence description


What You Should Know:



Funding-Related Topic


1-2 sentence description


What You Should Know: 




Expert Advice: Summer Course Q&A with a College Advisor

Reach out to a college advisor or other relevant interview subject that has experience with collegiate-level summer school admissions. Ask the interviewee the four pre-determined questions below and add one additional question of your own. Think about a professional opinion you couldn’t find the answer to easily elsewhere, something that came up in your research that hasn’t already been addressed above, or that would benefit from some inside info or expert insight.  

The introduction should consist of a short expert bio. Please request a high-resolution headshot from the subject in .jpg form and submit it with your finished Word Doc

Q: How many classes & credits can I take vs. how many should I take in the summer? 

A: Provide answer here.

Q: Can I transfer to a four-year college after taking summer courses elsewhere? What are the benefits of this?

A: Provide answer here.

Q: Can taking summer classes at a community college really save money? 

A: Provide answer here.

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