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Strategy & Planning

Explore some examples of my organizational and operational work below.

Graph showing cumulative participation growth month over month

Campaign Planning

With a loose goal of building awareness around employee benefits, this email + blog campaign required my creating both meaningful content and a precise participant tracking system. The result? A 36% participation increase YoY.

Winner badges from college ranking website

Project Management

When an online publisher needed someone to lead their review rankings development, I created a project management system to keep 6 teams organized, successfully launching ahead of and outranking our competitors.

Screenshot of dashboard from Oracle Planning & Budgeting tool

Team Budgets

Tasked with strategically trimming 7-figures from an advertising budget, this marketing strategy rebuild required pairing analytics with a bit of forensic accounting inside Oracle's Enterprise Planning & Budgeting Cloud.

Portfolio ACO Outline.PNG

Content & Marketing Briefs

A strong handoff starts with clear expectations. This content brief example offers a look at the detail I put into my marketing and content strategy documents, which enable my teams to execute quickly and nail our goals.

Portfolio Pitch Deck.PNG

An example proposal prepared for a client interested in getting front of a specific audience in the EdTech space. This focuses on social media and email as the primary channels for brand exposure and sales connections.

Screenshot of example asset inside Brandfolder

Vendor Reviews

Managing digital assets was costly and stressful for this $700M corporate sales team. After crunching numbers and comparing features, my review saved  $30k in contract costs and unlocked efficiency features using Brandfolder.

Gantt Chart for 10 month go to market launch

Go to Market Strategy

This SaaS startup had challenger brand potential in the healthcare AI category, but lacked a clear go to market plan. I helped develop and administer a pilot program to test the product and market fit prior to general market launch.

Portfolio SEO Organic Lift EMPLOYERS.png

SEO Strategy

After running a keyword intent + value assessment and website architecture audit, I did 2 rounds of optimizations for this site. Re-writing key content pages gave a 2x organic traffic lift, boosted another 2x by restructuring page paths.

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